J.T Hannah's


Coronavirus: Monitoring The Status And Taking Proper Precautions

Dear Staff and Guests,
We continue to welcome guests to our KBS Restaurant Brands to create an exciting food and dining experience. We are committed to providing a safe, fun experience for all.

As we all have been watching, the coronavirus (COVID-19) has made its way to the United States. The health and safety of all our staff and guests are of the utmost importance and we wanted to provide you with information about the proactive planning efforts and actions that we are undertaking. We know issues like this can be stressful and we are saddened for the people and families who have been affected.

We are working closely with our partners in the market and the local health department as well as following Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidance. In addition, we are monitoring the situation daily with updates from experts in the field and consulting with peers through our professional networks and organizations.

We know this can be confusing and can create a great deal of anxiety. We ask that you please focus on taking care of what you can control:

  • • We are asking that anyone who feels ill in any way, including having a fever of 100 degrees or higher within the last 24 hours, please stay home until you recover
  • • Your best defense is to wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially before eating and before/after use of communal electronics. When soap is not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol
  • • Wash hands or use hand sanitizer after blowing your nose and discard tissues into the trash immediately after use
  • • Avoid touching your face, especially eyes, nose, and mouth
  • • Avoid close contact with people who are sick

KBS Restaurant Brands takes cleanliness and hygiene seriously, with rigorous sanitation practices throughout the year. In recent weeks, we’ve proactively implemented additional measures, including:

  • • Adding hand-sanitation stations at the entrance of the restaurants (once they are received)
  • • Disinfecting commonly touched surfaces multiple times throughout the day
  • • Posting educational materials on CDC guidelines and hygiene procedures at entryways, host areas and throughout all Restaurants and the Commissary
  • • Increased training and reinforcement for our rigorous sanitation standards
  • • Adjusting food and beverage service in accordance with current food safety recommendations

Additionally, we strongly encourage all guests to review the CDC’s website for prevention tips and signs of symptoms before visiting. By working together, we can help prevent the spread of germs and provide a safe experience for everyone visiting the KBS Restaurant Brands.